ACE Artists: Face to Face! Steven Skinner clip

ACE Artists: Face to Face is the American Craft Exposition’s free new summer event series, a video conversation via Zoom for art enthusiasts and friends presented by The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem.  Each virtual event features 15 minutes with an ACE artist sharing insights into their craft, demonstrating their unique artistic techniques, and participating in a Q&A with attendees. …

ACE Artists: Face to Face! Thomas Turner clip

ACE Artists: Face to Face is the American Craft Exposition’s free new summer event series, a video conversation via Zoom for art enthusiasts and friends presented by The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem.  Each virtual event features 15 minutes with an ACE artist sharing insights into their craft, demonstrating their unique artistic techniques, and participating in a Q&A with attendees. …