An Interview with ACE Artist Amy Flynn

This week I had the privilege of interviewing Amy Flynn, the amazing artist behind Fobots. You are probably wondering what a “Fobot” is. Well, I’m here to tell you “Fobots” is short for Found Object Robots. Once you lay your eyes on these unique pieces of art, you will be just as amazed as I was! Amy wasn’t always making …

2012 ACE Artists Announced!

Hey there craft lovers! It’s a pretty exciting time around for craft enthusiasts and artists alike. We’re proud to announce the 2012 American Craft Exposition artists below. (As always, you can also find the complete list here: BASKETRY TRISTYN ALBRIGHT LINDA FIFIELD JENNIFER HELLER ZURICKMARY JACKSON   CERAMICS NATALIE BLAKEROBERT BRISCOESANDRA BYERS WINTHROP BYERSFONG CHOO PAVEEN CHUNHASWASDIKUL JUDITH DUFF PAUL ESHELMAN …